Join us in celebrating God's extravagant love for all creation!
Worship begins at
10:00 a.m., September-May,
and 9:00 a.m., June-August.
Our church building is accessible for all, and personal hearing assistance receivers are available in the Sanctuary.
Coffee, treats and conversation: gather with us before worship for an early cup of coffee. And please accept our invitation to Coffee Hour, our time of Extravagant Welcome, following worship.
Our worship experience is a celebration of God's love for the whole of creation. Our worship style can be described as eclectic, a mix of formal and informal. So come as you are - jeans, suits and everything in between.
Our music includes contemporary worship music with Sounds of the Spirit, traditional hymns with piano and organ, spirituals with Carl Cole and friends (usually the last Sunday of the month) and more.
For Children and Youth:
The Infant and Toddler Room is provided for children ages birth to 3 years in Room S3.
Following the Conversation with Children, we welcome children of all ages to join in faith formation or continue in worship.
Godly Play welcomes youth Preschool to 3rd Grade for a play-based faith formation in Room S4.
Kid’s Worship welcomes youth 4th Grade to 7th Grade for a mixture of worship, music, storytelling, and creativity in Room S8.
Two adult groups for faith conversation and spiritual nurture meet on Sunday mornings following worship
- The Adult Forum meets to discuss issues of the day through a faith perspective
- LOF – Learning our Faith meets to discuss specific books that nurture the spirit.